If born today, July 26th, Zodiac Sign - Leo
This year you can expect a renewal of sorts when it comes to your close relationship. This is a year where you and your person get into the lighter things in life; not everything has to be as laden in sorrow and confusion as it has been so far. This year is a mix of work and your break out, thankfully.
Guidance - This year will lighten your load and will bring out all of your fun eccentricities, be brave, be you.
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)
Aries, you might be learning that people do not always come through, but not because they won't, but because life gets so busy that the time isn't there even if they tried. This period brings some restrictions to your relationships. The absence of what you think you need will give you the courage to learn to depend on yourself.
Lucky Colour Purple
Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)
Taurus, you have to work hard, but you also need to be seen. You have been shy to let others know that you're doing a great job and putting in a lot of time in your projects. But the squeaky wheel gets the grease, and that means you have to be vocal. Be prudent, especially if you want recognition for your work.
Lucky Colour White
Gemini (May 21 - Jun 20)
Gemini, take a break, you will hit a wall, and suddenly everything you try to do meets with another dead end. When the stars refuse to align and it's one hardship after another, take the hint. You need to stop pushing and let yourself focus on something else.
Lucky Colour Blue
Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 22)
Cancer, what do you really need to know? Perhaps, it will come to you in a way that you don't expect, but it will not be the easiest path. You learn by doing, but don't expect too much hand-holding. That's a luxury the world won't be able to accommodate. You have to be self-taught and nearly standing on your own.
Lucky Colour Blue
Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 22)
Leo, think really hard before you commit to something you're unsure of, your ego is on the line, and a part of you may want to do the work because you think it will lead to something for you. But, this may not be the case, and you have to be honest when it comes to spending your time on things. If you don't feel something in your heart, it may be best to say another time, and take a rain check for later.
Lucky Colour Green
Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22)
Virgo, what are you focusing on the most? Not everything deserves your time and attention. Since you take so much seriously whenever you have been given a job to do, this one may be more burdensome than it is worth. You may still try to do it, but suddenly something happens and the meeting gets cancelled or you get out in a different way to be sure to take it.
Lucky Colour White
Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 22)
Libra, even though you are counting your blessings, be certain to count your money and not spend more than what you have. The resources may feel as though they have stalled, but only for a while. Finances can get better soon, but don't create debt by depending on credit cards in the meantime.
Lucky Colour Peach
Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)
Scorpio, what seemed to be a warm place may feel frosty and cold emotionally. Maybe someone has overstayed their welcome, and you love them but you're ready to see them go. And home is truly where you want to be, but right now, you're feeling as though your space has been encroached on. You want more privacy and space, and although you may not get all that you need today, people eventually return so that life can get back to normal.
Lucky Colour Black
Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)
Sagittarius, if you're waiting for any important approval to come in, expect delays. It may take a little while longer to get the answer you seek. It’s not a day where you get to know much of anything, despite how much you want it.
Lucky Colour White
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)
Capricorn, the love department may feel as though the well ran dry. You aren't getting the phone calls, text messages or interest that you are used to receiving. And, it might not be that you did something wrong. Life is too short to sit back and wait for the time to pass on its own. You may learn to rise to the occasion and to do so in the name of love or a potential romance.
Lucky Colour Blue
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
Aquarius, you earn your way to the top. It's a lonely climb to success when you get to a certain level, but in addition to you experiencing things that others have not by virtue of your tenacity, you will also mature so that you can keep what you have earned by your hard work.
Lucky Colour Purple
Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)
Pisces, people are what they are, accept it. And you may feel stunned and a bit in disbelief that the situation is so clear as today. How you missed it before, you may never know. But, right now, you have to recognize the signs and make decisions accordingly.
Lucky Colour Purple
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