
Our editorial work on https://astrofilly.blogspot.com/ endeavors to provide quality astrological information and horoscopes for merriment only. The tidings consist of personal opinions and views, and as such we take no onus of the judgment and accuracy of predictions.

The website/blog holds no responsibility nor does it intend to influence your actions/reactions. Following the advice given or using the information within is solely the individual call of the person accessing this website/blog and the website/blog takes no liability of loss or damage arising out of the use of information given within.

Any advise, information or wisdom shared is not an alternative to professional advise/treatment prescribed to you by Doctors/Lawyers/Advisors or any other professionals and the website/blog takes no responsibility of interpretations/use of the material on the website/blog. All aspects of Astrological, Palmestry, Numerology or Gemology services strictly cannot be a substitute for professional, legal, medical, financial or psychiatric advice/care wherever applicable.

The website/blog neither takes any guarantees regarding the accuracy or significance of predictions and any wisdom shared/solutions offered nor does it intend to harm any individual’s wisdom or challenge his/her intelligence.

The information given within is a compilation of knowledge and wisdom collected over years of study and consultations from various sources and the website/blog does not intend to indulge in plagiarism or infringe any legal entities or the wisdom of any stalwart of the field.