Today's Free Daily Horoscope and Today's Birthday by AstroFilly - 29th January 2021

If born today, January 29th, Zodiac Sign - Aquarius

This is a year of relative serenity. It's a time when luck is easy to attract and businesses formed under this phase have a better chance for permanence. You are exclusively able to attract material gains and others this year. This is a good year for creating accord in the family. 
Guidance - Explore, look for adventure, keep your eyes open for opportunities, diversify.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)

Aries, you don’t know where your next step should take you, but some things simply feel right and have to get done today. Don’t resist the flow and the incentive that is taking you in a new course, but stay aware of your moral scope and all it commands along the way. You aren’t meant to refuse things just because others would judge you for doing them, but you should be careful not to judge yourself for your own choices. Meet your own needs with your head held high.
Lucky colour Brown

Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)

Taurus, you never understood where penalties might take you as you started a new method to certain expert issues. Still, there seems to be more concealed under the superficial, and you are still not done with all of the steps that follow. Swim out with consciousness that everything you did and everything you are currently going through has a resolve. Your standpoint defines the feel you will carry in your chest.
Lucky colour Blue

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 20)

Gemini, the misperception is real and your mind isn’t your friend at the moment, especially if emotive issues are waiting to be fixed. Feelings will spin and twirl, apparently without meaning, but in the end fitting into one whole. Don’t question what you feel, but try not to interpret actions of others through their inadequacies. Concern might be the key, but you should remain protected, safe and in the mood for healthy interface. Disadvantages made are just as important as the core of your needs.
Lucky colour Black

Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 22)

Cancer, once the dust to settles, you will not have many options to settle it yourself. Only time can help you with some of your present issues, and tolerance will give you what you need to stand strong and just as confident as you have been in your bright instants. Contentment shouldn’t be familiar by any outer source of authentication. Imagine being perfect in the eyes of all others but losing yourself along the way, feeling empty. There are better ways to cope with who you are, such as acceptance.
Lucky colour Pink

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 22)

Leo, you may have your own secret code with somebody you are close to, you should be careful to keep your words as forthright as probable. Conflicts with authorities might become a concentrated topic in your life, just as well as struggles with those working for you. Try to seek intermediate grounds and the point of balance that doesn’t make anyone angry.
Lucky colour Peach

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22)

Virgo, you know that some of the limits you had to bear are fetching rewards your way. Unyielding choices and clear, coherent moves made will prove to be your best bet. This is the time to collect a debt, but not one to make a new debt yourself. Evade contact with too many people. Some issues are enfolded in fine and colourful wrapping paper, while being deeply rotten on the inside. The essence is what matters most today.
Lucky colour White

Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 22)

Libra, dreams and distinct missions are calling you, but in voices you don’t really hear and comprehend that well. Close your eyes to sense where you’re headed and why, and to understand what you need to do next in order to truly be in trace with your own heart. You have been overly lucid for months, inflexible in some of your life choices and absorbed on work. Now, your secluded subject is evolving to be returned to so they can be determined and leave you content.
Lucky colour Purple

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)

Scorpio, demonstrative storms are strong and they will easily throw you to unexplored land. To control where you are and what you are made-up to do, it would be wise to spend as much time as possible in contact with nature. If you feel the need to be alone, take every prospect, tell others how you feel, and don’t stand in your own way. Seclusion is sometimes the only way to get in touch with our reliable essential.
Lucky colour Orange

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)

Sagittarius, you are still forcefully thinking about other people, about partnerships that turned sour and romances that ended a while ago. What you need most is an applied standpoint, one that will keep you in touch with this moment in time instead of letting you to float off on a cloud of recollections. Walk, run, exercise, choosing any possible activity to make you feel better about yourself. There is a lot of content that desires to get out and both your mind and heart will purify if you stay on the move.
Lucky colour Yellow

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)

Capricorn, applied and everyday terms of your current preparation are starting to make you feel bad about yourself and your own intelligent and spoken efforts. Discerning about things that you aren’t currently best at might push you away from people and situations that you wish to pursue. As if you were upside-down, you no longer see things in a different way as you once did. Though this may make the message even harder, you can feel that everything is on the right track.
Lucky colour White

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)

Aquarius, check your choices for creative and practical collaboration, with your foundation kept safe, so you don’t get carried away by naivety, that includes too many prospects from other people. Everyone needs their fair share of accountability in your current setting, nothing more. It is possible that you are the one with the highest drive, but roles of others are just as important as yours.
Lucky colour Blue

Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)

Pisces, working in the direction of your principles and applied subjects in your life don’t associate well today, especially if you try to connect and share tasks. Embrace your individual set of urgencies without taking on too much of what belongs to someone else. It is important to find some sort of middle ground. If you are stressed to take on other individuals’ business in your effort to care for them, they are to care for you too and give appreciation and care in return.
Lucky colour Black
