Today's Free Daily Horoscope and Today's Birthday by AstroFilly - 25th November 2020

If born today, November 25th, Zodiac Sign - Sagittarius

This year may bring an effortless environment at the workplace. Any tricky project that you had been postponing for some time now can best be done this year. You will most likely get a lot done, more than you anticipated, and clear up your entire backlog. You are crammed with optimistic energy and this is likely to affect everyone around you in a constructive way.
Guidance - A little bit of extra attention can help to avoid major health issues this year.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)

Aries, new horizons are opening up in front of you. An aptitude which you have always treated as a hobby may become something more and you may find yourself making a living doing what you love. New developments are expected in every front which would broaden your ideas and may absolutely change the makeup of your life. You will be experiencing an extraordinary moment of satisfaction with your life.
Lucky colour Pink

Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)

Taurus, temper is likely today and even you will not be able to explain why you are feeling so troubled and how to change the situation. Your inconsistent behaviour and response will leave others confused. However, do remember to stick to sincerity in all situations as that alone can help you to achieve your goals. Take things easily today and confine yourself to the role of an observer.
Lucky colour Purple

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 20)

Gemini, you are feeling much more honest today than what you as a rule do. You have been behaving tactlessly for quite some time now and today this may feel somewhat stifling. You are likely to reveal the unpleasant truth today and this will not go down very well with everybody. It is better to plan for some lone activity because you are improbable today to alter your behaviour to suit others.
Lucky colour Red

Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 22)

Cancer, the day will be fine in the start, though it may turn out to be a little frantic later on. Someone at home may be ill and you may have to attend to him/her amidst a packed out agenda. You may receive happiness from friends and family; make regular plans of spending time with them in the near future.
Lucky colour Oange

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 22)

Leo, be truthful to yourself as this is the only move that can help you in every situation. Do not waver in picking up what you prefer, rather than sacrificing your wishes just for the sake of others. You may get baffled in deciding where to begin from, so just prioritise all the things you are trying to make.
Lucky colour Green

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22)

Virgo, this is the best time to cut out the dead weight in your life. You have been sticking to a situation which you no longer enjoy out of an intellect of compulsion or out of vulnerability. You were finding it difficult to get out of this situation, but today you will be able to find the inner courage to take that final step. You will also be helped by some event in this.
Lucky colour Blue

Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 22)

Libra, the time is ready to take some brave steps. This is not the time to be indecisive. Instead, crucial action is vital. Do not shy away from opportunities. A leap of faith at this time can radically modify your life for the better, though it may not seem so now. It is also time to reassess old relationships.
Lucky colour Black

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)

Scorpio, this day is mostly constructive for spending time with your family. Go for some bonding with your family. Get involved in a fun activity with your family. Even if work pressure threatens to accumulate, put them aside for today and rejoice with them. You may be amazed at what you can learn from these sessions.
Lucky colour Yellow

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)

Sagittarius, you need help and the faster you realize, the better it is. An appropriate call to a guide can go a long way to create your peace of mind and position in life. The changes that you have been resisting will begin to make more sense and you will begin the process of implementing these changes. Do not let your personality stand in the way of sensible requisite.
Lucky colour White

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)

Capricorn, with a little endurance and self-control, the day can turn out to be very industrious for you. But having that fortitude can be a huge challenge now. Time will appear too sluggish and nothing would move fast enough to suit your mood. But if you try to hasten the procedure, you can totally mess up your list of items.
Lucky colour Pink

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)

Aquarius, today is assessment time. You have been distressing about some issues for the last week. However, today you need to take a decision which may seem tough at first. Your heart will guide you in the right direction. Think what you want to do rather than what you have to do and follow your heart. This will prove valuable for you in the long run.
Lucky colour Peach

Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)

Pisces, you are unpretentious today and you may see selfless service. You are benevolent and you may forgo your time, money or even food to gratify others. People will respect this act of yours. Watch your threshold. Pay attention to your family. They may be prone to contract some infection. Spend time at home and keep eating habits in check.
Lucky colour Brown
