Today's Free Daily Horoscope and Today's Birthday by AstroFilly - 23rd August 2020

If born today, August 23rd, Zodiac Sign - Virgo

This is a year of unearthing and autonomy. It's a time when searching and reaching out to others transports openings. It's a good time to promote, endorse, and sell. Astonishments are in store, and the routine is broken for the better. This is a year when exciting relationships can be formed; or, if you are already in a partnership, new life is breathed into the relationship. It's a time to pay special attention to practical matters, and it's not a time to be lazy or especially gregarious. Sometimes, it can be a year that feels hard, monotonous and routine, and/or lonely. It can be a wonderful year for building, development and laying a solid foundation for future successes.
Guidance - Explore, look for adventure, keep your eyes open for opportunities, diversify, mingle.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)

Aries, residing in the undesirable mindset is on no occasion an upright thing, and it can draw in bad feelings. But a brought about or talked about prophecy does not have to be an immoral thing - it can work in the contradictory way as well. When you accept and forecast an optimistic outcome, you are generating your truth in the best way likely. You have more influence than you understand over something you are now employed on. 
Lucky colour White

Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)

Taurus, you may be trying to come to terms with an ending of a relation, a profession, a variation in your household life, or whatsoever that has an effect on your daily life. But, even if this is an optimistic change, it will take some adjustment on your part. If you are wishing for some facet of the mode things were before, then turn that around to emphasise on new facets that are also needed and have the capacity to make you content. It's all about living in the current instant. 
Lucky colour White

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 20)

Gemini, there are conflicting forces, but, yet they always balance each other. The difference between good and bad is dramatic. Short of one, the other would not have any meaning. If you are working through a murkier experience now, it is going to give you a bigger gratitude of the light when it appears. All is not lost, keep the light in mind as it is right there at a distance. Keep that picture in your mind and keep working at reaching it.
Lucky colour Purple

Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 22)

Cancer, you may feel alone on a certain view. But, please do not construe to mean that no one is on your side. Individuals can have diverse views and still be strong and loyal to each other. What's more, you may be looking at this difference of viewpoint in the incorrect way. It may not be that you disagree, but rather you have not yet induced them of the value of your side of things. Try to show others why you believe in what you do, and it may make all the difference. 
Lucky colour Blue

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 22)

Leo, lion has a brash growl, piercing nails, and imposing nimbleness. Its feebleness is that it can't run fast for an extended period of time but only in brief runs - so it has to be near to its victim before it attacks. Even the most commanding creatures have restrictions and disadvantages that can hold them back. You are theoretical and powerful to many of the individuals in your life because you are shrewd, tactical and advanced, and you can come with concepts that others would never comprehend. But, if you don't face a susceptibility in an area of your life that you are now stressed with, you may not attain the outcome you want. Requesting for help when you need it is perilous now - and no one will be any less enthralled by your ability. 
Lucky colour Orange

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22)

Virgo, expressions or jargons change with each age group. But one thing that remains unaffected is human nature. It is normal to want to set best examples. All we want to be seen is as striking, smart and gifted. If you are dealing with somebody now who is part of a team effort and you aren't getting what you need from that individual, try exciting them by observing their utmost outstanding personalities. You may soon be asked to take on a role that includes management, learn to lead and motivate. It will help you well in that forthcoming role.
Lucky colour Purple

Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 22)

Libra, we have all had individuals in our lives at some point who fill us with irritation. Perhaps they upset us in some way or took praise for something we worked hard for. Maybe, there was a treachery or a lie. Any of these things can shape bitterness and annoyance, but that rage is often absorbed inward because we blame ourselves. You may be sensing this way about somebody who victimised you. But you are only aching yourself. What you went through was compensation for an invaluable lesson.
Lucky colour Yellow

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)

Scorpio, vital relations need attention for you right now. There may be one relation that has been facing a break. You and this family member have been aloof on some level for a while, even though you may connect frequently. This may be happening for some time now and hasn’t been dealt with. This is an exceptional time to resolve this matter. Doing so will lift a load and help you reconstruct the tie.
Lucky colour Orange

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)

Sagittarius, you may want to bellow out a pleasing impression you have had lately to the creation or at least to a few of your family members. But you know that if you do that, you will face condemnation. That's not something you need now when you are so eager about it. So, keep it hidden, work on it. Let it to grow into more affluence and class. Bring it out only when it is equipped, and you will feel effortlessly upright about it. 
Lucky colour Red

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)

Capricorn, the consequence of a pursued goal is forthcoming. And you can see what that consequence will be. It is very evident where it is leading you. Your purpose is not inscribed in stone. It can alter at any time if you modify it, that is. So, if you are not content with what you see emerging, it is up to you to make a move to change it and achieve the consequence you actually want. Don't ever feel like you are enclosed in by destiny. You always have choices. 
Lucky colour Blue

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)

Aquarius, individuals who are uncluttered and kind and can effortlessly give and receive warmth have a great tendency for contentment. That belief may seem naive, but it may apply to you right now. Why are individuals who are that way so fortunate? Because the aptitude to love and express the need for love is significant for contentment and a complete life. You are so self-reliant, that you don't often direct this requirement even when you feel it intensely. You may be desiring for somebody to lean on right now. You need somebody. Go ahead and express it, and you should have all the love and care you want to lift you up.
Lucky colour Green

Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)

Pisces, when you are in rejection of the reality, maybe because it is troublesome, uncooperative or too sore, you are depriving yourself of an appreciated tool. At this time, you are facing some vital choices on where to go next with your lifespan. But, if you supervise a rough fact as you exert over the decision-making method, you won't be working in the most precise way. Opposing something now might be difficult, but once you do, you can rest assure that what you select to do later will be the very finest thing for you.
Lucky colour Grey
