Today's Free Daily Horoscope and Today's Birthday by AstroFilly - 22nd August 2020

If born today, August 22nd, Zodiac Sign - Leo

You may be entering a mode of soul-searching this year. Looking deeply into your life will force you to wonder what you want now and in the future. This is a time to plan and to chart out the trail ahead. Take your time in discovering the benefits that could come to play a larger role in your life and figure out how you can make that happen. This is also a good time to consider some family worries that you have been working through and to find ways to handle them in a way that makes you feel calmer and more at peace. Leave alone with a project that seems to take one step forward, and then two steps back. It may just be about identifying that this is not the time to move forward hastily and that development will take time and contemplation. A strong approach to breaking a habit or starting a positive new routine is emphasised this year and you may be able to establish a healthy pattern that will bring greater joy and security to you. 
Guidance - Keep your eyes open for prospects and expansions.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)

Aries, listen to your innermost voice, that soft, elbowing voice that tells you to follow your emotion. But there are also times when it is astute to listen to your head and your more real-world side. Right now, you may be sensing quite an obsession about something you want to do or some choice you want to make. You can evidently and intensely visualise all the benefits, but the timing may not be right just yet. It is best to listen to your real-world side for now and wait until the timing catches up with you and the conditions.
Lucky colour White

Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)

Taurus, if you ever go walking in the forests, you may notice vines snugging to some of the trees. At the first peek, those vines seem lean and easy to break through. But in reality, each slim vine is very tough. The vine grows by sending out sensors to other branches and then to other trees, in the meantime getting bigger and bigger. The point for you today, is not to underrate something that you have started in your life. You may think your pains were irrelevant, but you are tough, and your commitment will get you to where you want to be. 
Lucky colour White

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 20)

Gemini, you may feel as if you are destined to fail at something you have strained for repeatedly. You may think that these disappointments are signs that you are not meant to track a certain vision. But why, then, do you feel so avid about it. This is not a sign that you are destined to fail or that you are not meant to have what you want. This is exactly the point where champions decide to keep going. Don't quit. You are a champion. Determination will get you there.
Lucky colour Purple

Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 22)

Cancer, when you were younger, you might have gone end to end with the horde more willingly. Your peers may have had a more commanding impact over you. Today as you have grown up and learnt life experiences, you would probably be more likely to retreat to your shell to evade the matter than to go along with something you did not want to do. But there is a better choice. If somebody is trying to persuade you of something now, don't fight it. Speak your mind. You have far greater inspiration than you comprehend, and you have total control over what you finally do. 
Lucky colour Purple

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 22)

Leo, you may be waiting to resolve a disagreement with somebody until things cool down when it can be more easily handled. While you are not shy about conflicts, and you are not scared of confronting struggle, this one might be particularly subtle. But that's precisely why you need to deal with it here and now. If you delay, the gap could grow much wider, making it even tougher to connect. Don't push it away; handle it now, and get back to amity and accord. 
Lucky colour Green

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22)

Virgo, you have submitted yourself to a positive change that has come about in your life. You may not like it and demand things were very unlike, but you have acknowledged it anyway. But if you are resolute to admit this change, then that's not the way to go about it. By resigning yourself, you are accepting it as less than what you want. In its place, try rejoicing it. Try loving it. When you do, you will begin to see all the motives why you are right to feel that way.
Lucky colour Maroon

Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 22)

Libra, you had a great hope to make a seamless imprint, you would not devote the time just beforehand discerning about errors you had made or the faults you see in yourself. If you did, your disposition and your attitude would not be right, and your performance would therefore suffer. But life is a big vital event every single day. If you are spending any time at all now concentrating on negatives, you are dragging yourself down. Turn that around today and start a stronger smarter way of being.
Lucky colour Pink

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)

Scorpio, you are beginning to more vividly distinguish the great standing that relations play in your life - among your family, your friends, and also your significant other if you have one. Take some time today to direct what you feel for them, and you may receive more of that in return. If you need to feel the love, give it away bigheartedly, and you shall have it return to you tenfold. 
Lucky colour Peach

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)

Sagittarius, you have thorough judgment, faultless decision-making skills, and a solid sense of right and wrong. These potentials enable you to carve a dependable path through your life and move toward your goals with clarity and self-assurance. But every now and then, you reach a place in the road that is a bit vague. Being strong and autonomous, you are not motivated to ask for help - but getting response now could be vastly helpful. Don't be so persistent that you don't ask for the direction you need. 
Lucky colour Blue

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)

Capricorn, you are functional, practical and balanced on the exterior and below the exterior too. You perhaps aren't thought of as a mystery by everybody who knows you. And that may be worrying you on some level now. You may think that being a bit enigmatic can be measured as stimulating. But your constancy is one of your greatest fortes. You are thought of as reliable, steady and strong, and today those qualities will reward you with special credit and an important prospect. Be glad and gratified with who you are. 
Lucky colour Blue

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)

Aquarius, if you have a significant message to share with somebody today, don't ballet around the fact. Even if it is difficult or hard to express, be straight and confident in what you say. If you use understatements or try to fit communication in between the lines, you could be misinterpreted, which could make things even greyer. And besides, you are already a bit of an unknown to some. Get your communication across visibly and concisely, and you can move on to a more optimistic place from there. 
Lucky colour Green

Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)

Pisces, you are somebody who is constantly there when somebody is sad and aching, when they need reassurance, and when they need a friend. This is a forte, not a feebleness, but sometimes your kindness of spirit is seen as a weakness. In a way, being taken benefit of by somebody without your high level of honesty can be intimidating. If you have felt the sting of being taken advantage of lately, don't allow it to make you tougher. Your soft heart is your greatest forte.
Lucky colour Green
