Today's Free Daily Horoscope and Today's Birthday by AstroFilly - 25th May 2020

If born today, May 25th, Zodiac Sign - Gemini

You may be entering a mode of soul-searching this year. Looking deeply into your life will force you to wonder what you want now and in the future. This is a time to plan and to chart out the trail ahead. Take your time in discovering the benefits that could come to play a larger role in your life and figure out how you can make that happen. It may just be about identifying that this is not the time to move forward hastily and that development will take time and contemplation.
Guidance - Keep your eyes open for prospects and expansions.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)

Aries, you don’t know how your words will affect others and you should do all in your influence to continue in a mild mode. You don’t want the load of other people’s intense individual issues to become a problem in your reality. Individual space and obvious limits must be recognised if you wish to move on from any motionless point. As much as you need alone time, you need balance of contact with other people in order to feel like a part of a much larger whole.
Lucky Colour Brown

Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)

Taurus, you will be assigning focus on money, but also on your intelligence of value and individual subjects that make you original and gifted. Don’t vacillate to try a new method, something dissimilar from everything you have strained before. To make brave steps, you must hear the internal voices and the calling that will let advancement no matter what might stand in your way. Listen to yourself as you move along.
Lucky Colour Blue

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 20)

Gemini, on the internet, bots outnumbered humans for the first time in 2014. Something is spinning out of control and leaving you puzzled by current circumstances. You don’t want others to interfere any more than they already had to. Do what you can on your own, so you can see your options clearly. As spontaneous as you can be, this is one of those days when organisation and rough choices matter more than anything else. Focus and get things done.
Lucky Colour Black

Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 22)

Cancer, you don’t know how to direct yourself. Have self-confidence and confidence that your arguments will help over time, but seek substitute ways to show to those less open how your insides are. Take the time to work a bit energetically, but alone and with full focus. Time has been unexploited here and there, on matters that necessitate too much of your energy that could be used away.
Lucky Colour Pink

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 22)

Leo, you have friends there to show you how it feels to truly be free, but you still think that you should follow relations that don’t give you the sense of individual independence. Don’t let verdict slide just because you can take it. In its place, identify what’s lethal and needless and make solid limitations towards it. Self-assurance typically helps you a lot more than it does these days.
Lucky Colour Peach

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22)

Virgo, you might as well let go and see where life will take you. Impulsiveness and a free essence shouldn’t be lost over misinterpretations and poor verdict form the past. What you need most is a friend eager to stand by your side against the wind and against all odds. Examine those who don’t seem to mean well.
Lucky Colour White

Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 22)

Libra, the actual creation hasn’t been shut for your thoughts and principles, but you must see yourself as able to reach for them or it won’t really matter how much friendly energies and right gestures you gather. Abundant little things hinge on you and you must emphasise to lastly see if you can deal with it. If you only absorbed for a while, you could have done things rapidly and deprived of much thought. Don’t be too rigid to try some short-term resolutions just to get through the disaster.
Lucky Colour Purple

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)

Scorpio, what you must do is understand that your etheric body is just as real as the physical one, so you can defend yourself correctly. Even though others will easily start arbitrating you if you brush off their individual glitches from your shoulders, you should really reflect doing so and taking your own energy back.
Lucky Colour Orange

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)

Sagittarius, plentiful things could spill out into the open and astonish you with their lack of emphasis and sense. Don’t be troubled too much. This will pass just as all other bizarre periods. Do your best to fix what has been wrecked along the way. If you cannot endure to carry some of your errands, leave them behind and find a way to break loose and set free.
Lucky Colour Yellow

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)

Capricorn, the work that must get done doesn’t fit your active state. You would somewhat slumber than stand tall and get things done, and this doesn’t seem natural for your natural charm. Admire the wish to get rest, get enough sleep and instrument changes to your monotonous life that allows the energy to rise. True value of rest can only be seen over time. Crisis could push and test you, but if you put yourself first with a strong and unshakeable frontier, you will be pleased.
Lucky Colour White

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)

Aquarius, there is a substantial load on your shoulders, holding you down and keeping you tied to things that have yet to be fixed and advanced otherwise. You let time take its toll on your everyday monotonous life, and now some debts must be paid off so you can catch up with reality. You have replacements and choices that you haven’t thought about in the past. Still, be sure about new selected procedures and expenses before signing any new contracts.
Lucky Colour Blue

Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)

Pisces, you have the energy when you sink into your emotive world as well, to move a lot faster and think in different guidelines that give you back your forte over time. You need more time to comprehend things totally. Complexity of words spoken is higher than ever. If the feeling in your heart calls for more resolutions, you should really reflect taking your time.
Lucky Colour Black
